
NSF Inclusive Teaching Course

The Inclusive STEM Teaching Project, a NSF Improving Undergraduate STEM Education program, is hosting a six-week Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) from October 13th - November 25th via edX.  Join our community of over 1,000 faculty, postdocs, graduate students, and staff, and register for our online course this fall. The course will take approximately 2 hours each week. By participating in this course, you will learn how to:

●      Advance awareness, self-efficacy, and ability to cultivate inclusive classroom environments;

●      Support your development as a reflective, inclusive practitioner;

●      Engage in reflection and discussion around topics of equity and inclusion across a variety of institutional contexts;

●      Implement inclusive teaching methods in your classes which will remove common barriers and enhance learning in STEM for all students.

More information at the Inclusive STEM Teaching Project