The focus of the Biomedical Acoustics Development and Engineering Research Laboratory (BADER Lab) is the translation of therapeutic ultrasound for non- or minimally invasive treatment of cardiovascular and cancerous disease. Specifically, we utilize acoustic cavitation for combinatorial ablation and enhanced drug delivery treatment strategies of pathologies resistant to standard interventional techniques. To assess bubble activity and the resultant changes in tissue structure, we are developing multi-modal imaging approaches via diagnostic ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. Analytic and numerical bubble dynamics models are also utilized to gain insight into the mechanism of action of our therapeutic approaches. Current research topics include:
• Chronic thrombus ablation with histotripsy and thrombolytic drugs
• Passive cavitation and MR imaging to assess histotripsy-induced liquefaction
• In vitro assessment of histotripsy-enhanced drug delivery
• Histotripsy-induced sonochemical reactions for the treatment of cancer
• Numeric and analytic models of bubble dynamics
• Magnetic Resonance-guided transurethral prostate ablation
For more information, visit our laboratory website:

Kenneth Bader, PhD
- Assistant Professor of Radiology
- Research and Scholarly Interests: Acoustic cavitation, Biomedical acoustics, Diagnostic ultrasound, HIstotripsy, Therapeutic ultrasound
- Websites: BADER Lab page, Research Network Profile
- Contact:
- Graduate Programs: Committee on Cancer Biology, PhD Program in Medical Physics, UChicago Biosciences