Coalition for Next Generation Life Science (CNGLS)

In April 2019, The University of Chicago joined the Coalition for Next Generation Life Science. The Coalition's goal is to provide a standardized approach to data collection and presentation with the aim of providing transparency for students considering bioscience careers. The data will also be useful in identifying areas for improvement in our educational efforts. The data that are being collected at 51 member institutions include:
These efforts will be ongoing. We are inspired by the commitment of our coalition partners to this important project and we are pleased to work with this dedicated group to bring standardized outcome metrics and accountability to our educational efforts.
The graduate data is based on the sixteen active graduate programs. It does not include MD/PhD students.
*URM - Among domestic students the following racial and ethnic groups are underrepresented in biomedical research: Blacks or African Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, American Indians or Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders. See the National Institutes of Health Guide Notice NOT-OD-20-031
*Time to degree for recipients is the elapsed time between entering a graduate program and degree conferral date and includes any leaves of absence.
Data for individual bioscience graduate programs