Current Students

Awarded Student Fellowships, 2024-25

There are many funding opportunities available for graduate students in the Biological Science Division. Approximately 11% of our students are supported by individual fellowships (nearly 50 in 2020-21).

Have you received a fellowship? Please let us know: Featuring current awardees helps students following in your footsteps to identify new funding opportunities.

Student Fellowship Research topic Degree program Advisor
Alamri, Ali National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowships Neural Basis of Perceptual Decisions  Computational Neuroscience Nicholas Hatsopoulos
Anderson, Andy Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Award Hypusine as a nutrient-sensing modulator of eIF5A function in β cells Molecular Metabolism Raghavendra Mirmira
Anderson, Hope NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Acquisition of effector programs in T cells Biophysical Sciences Samantha Riesenfeld
Antonopoulos, Mira Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Award Targeting transcription and translation of the antisense CCCCGG repeat expansion in C9ORF72 ALS/FTD Neurobiology Paschalis Kratsios
Bock-Hughes, Althea Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Award The Role of BNIP3 in Lipid Homeostasis in the Liver Molecular Metabolism  Kay Macleod
Bogan, Maximiliana NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Molecular adaptation to environmental stressors Evolutionary Biology Cathy Pfister and Joseph Thornton
Bolonduro, Busayo HHMI Gilliam Fellowship for Advanced Study Mechanisms of gene regulation for immune tolerance Genetics, Genomics and Systems Biology Andrew Koh
Borregard, Megan NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Regulation of effector function in tissue-resident T cells Biophysical Sciences Bana Jabri
Cassano, Alexandra American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship The role of Tregs in maintaining allospecific Tconv hypofunction  Immunology Maria-Luisa Alegre
Chak, Bridget Google Fellowship Award Population genetics, human evolution, and global health Genetics, Genomics and Systems Biology Luis Barreiro
Cooley, Rory Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Award How do cortical hierarchies mediate visual categorization Computational Neuroscience David Freeman
Durian, Sylvia NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Predicting neural coding in retinal activity Computational Neuroscience Stephanie Palmer
Destain, Honorine NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Regulation of terminal selectors in neuronal identity maintenance Development, Regeneration and Stem Cell Biology Paschalis Kratsios
Elmekki, Nazik HHMI Gilliam Fellowship for Advanced Study Protective Mechanisms against Stress in Gut Bacteroidales Microbiology Laurie Comstock
Fernandez-Begne, Paula NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Genetic basis of adaptation to escalating plant defenses  Ecology and Evolution Marcus Kronforst
Fonseca, Renee Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship Polygenic scores and capture of causal genetics Human Genetics Andrew Dahl
Frith, Mary Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Award Microbiota-dependent early life programming of gastrointestinal motility Interdisciplinary Scientist Training Program - MD/PhD Molecular Metab/Nutrit Eugene Chang
Fulghum, Henry NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Functional dental morphology and dietary ecology of early mammals and their kin  Evolutionary Biology Zhe-Xi Luo and Graham Slater
Girdler, Benton NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Lysosomal Membrane Dynamics Computational Neuroscience Yamuna Krishnan
Glauninger, Hendrik Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Award Understanding mRNA Condensation and Its Role in Translational Control during Stress Interdisciplinary Scientist Training Program - MD/PhD Biophysical Sciences  Allan Drummond
Graham, Taylor Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Award Development, stability, and antigen specificity of T follicular regulatory phenotype cells Immunology Peter Savage
Grandison, Brandon NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Eco-evolutionary dynamics Ecology and Evolution Luis Bettencourt
Hamilton, Ashley NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program How tree populations are structured across time, space, and phylogeny Evolutionary Biology Sean Hoban
Henderson, Jake Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Award How temporal transcription factors regulate guidance cues and dendrite morphogenesis in Drosophila somatosensory circuits Development, Regeneration and Stem Cell Biology Elizabeth Heckscher
Hieromnimon, Hanna Microsoft Research Fellowship Machine learning methods to multi-modal cancer data Biophysical Sciences Samantha Riesenfeld and Alexander Pearson
Hoznek, Victoria  American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship Patterned basement membrane mechanics control Development, Regeneration and Stem Cell Biology Sally Horne-Badovinac
Hsu, Jocelyn NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Mechanism of enhanced anti-tumor T cell capabilities Cancer Biology James Labelle
Hung, Anthony Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Award Determining the genetic basis of responses to biomechanical strain in an in vitro model of osteoarthritis Interdisciplinary Scientist Training Program – MD/PhD Yoav Gilad
Hunter, Laura NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Comparative functional morphology across extinct and extant hominoids Integrative Biology Zeray Alemseged 
Igarashi, Maya NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Physical properties of heat shock condensates Biophysical Sciences David Pincus and Allison Squires
Jadick, Giavanna NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Quantitative phase-contrast x-ray computed tomography for soft tissue imaging Medical Physics Patrick La Riviere
Johnson, Amanda Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Award Regulation of mesoderm fate patterning through multiscale dynamics Development, Regeneration and Stem Cell Biology Margaret Gardel
Johnson, Sami NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Motor Skill Acquisition, Generalizability, and Interference Computational Neuroscience Nicholas Hatsopoulos
Jotte, Matthew Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Award Defining the pathogenesis of Del(7q) in hematopoietic stem cells Interdisciplinary Scientist Training Program – MD/PhD Cancer Biology Megan McNerney
Kelly, Madeleine Smithsonian Institution Predoctoral Fellowship Bayesian modeling for reconstructing hominin paleoecology Integrative Biology Zeray Alemseged
Lake, Joash Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Award Exploring the role and mechanisms of action of UC puchitis-associated pathobionts (PAP) to gain insights into the etiophathogenesis of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Immunology Eugene Chang
Lin, Kyle Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Award Investigating Biomolecular Condensates and Heat Shock Proteins in Cellular Responses to Sublethal Heat Shock and Fever Interdisciplinary Scientist Training Program - MD/PhD Biophysical Sciences  David Drummond and Allison Squires
Lutz, Olivia  Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Award Spatiotemporal models of neural coding in the vestibular periphery Computational Neuroscience Ruth Ann Eatock
Martinez, Tanner Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Award Establishing CUX1 as a determinant of Hematopoietic Stem cell heterogeneity Interdisciplinary Scientist Training Program - MD/PhD Immunology Megan McNerney
Martinez, Selena 2024 Steve Jobs Archive Fellow Paleobiology - diverse perspectives to advance our understanding of evolutionary history Evolutionary Biology Kenneth Angielczyk
Martinez, Selena NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Paleobiology - diverse perspectives to advance our understanding of evolutionary history Evolutionary Biology Kenneth Angielczyk
McDonough, Matthew HHMI Gilliam Fellowship for Advanced Study Co-transcriptional turnover of incorrectly spliced mRNA transcripts Cell and Molecular Biology Jonathan Staley
McIntire, Erik Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Award Single-Cell RNA Sequencing of Cardiac Organoids to Determine the Genetic Basis for Cell-Specific Responses to Anticancer Drugs Human Genetics Yoav Gilad
Molina, Andrew Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Award Uncovering the mechanism of potassium channel folding and assembly with implications for the molecular basis of cardiac arrhythmia Interdisciplinary Scientist Training Program - MD/PhD Biophysical Sciences Tobin Sosnick and Benoit Roux
Mutchler, Marquette NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program  Avian perception, evolution, phylogenomics Evolutionary Biology John Bates and Shannon Hackett
Nicholson, Benjamin NCI Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Award Dissecting the genetic basis of cancer immune evasion in squamous cell carcinoma Cancer Biology Yuxuan Miao
Norton de Matos, Salvador American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship Modulating Inflammation Through Antigen-Specific and Antigen-Agnostic Approaches in Atherosclerosis Interdisciplinary Scientist Training Program - MD/PhD - Molecular Engineering Jeffrey Hubbell
Panda, Arpit Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Award Unlocking the Diagnostic and Prognostic Potential of 5hmC in Urine cfDNA: Characterization of Genome-wide Landscape in Healthy Urine and Biomarker Development in Localized Bladder Cancer Interdisciplinary Scientist Training Program - MD/PhD - Chemistry Chuan He
Praljak, Niksa NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Developing and implementing machine learning algorithms with high-throughput assays for synthetic protein design Biophysical Sciences Rama Ranganathan and Andrew Ferguson
Salazar, Rio HHMI Gilliam Fellowship for Advanced Study Cell surface protein mechanisms in synaptic wiring Cell and Molecular Biology Robert Carrillo
Sepich, Caraline Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Award Investigating METTL5-regulated translational changes in hepatocellular carcinoma Interdisciplinary Scientist Training Program - MD/PhD  Chuan He
Shangguan, Julia NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Myosin10 binding interactions  Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Tobin Sosnick
Sheehan, Colin Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Award Role of PDK1 in pancreatic cancer cell fitness under tumor nutrient stress Cancer Biology Alexander Muir
Sheets, Drew Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Award The neural basis of stereognosis and its application to neuroprosthetics Computational Neuroscience Marlene Cohen
Stanfield, Emma NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Host-microbiome interactions in canopy kelps Ecology and Evolution Catherine Pfister
Tanda, Madeleine NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Functional diversity and ecosystem functioning in coastal habitats Ecology and Evolution Tim Wooton
Tarampoulous, Isaak American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship Mapping the effect of Hh signaling Development, Regeneration and Stem Cell Biology Ivan Moskowitz and Patrick La Riviere
Thaxton, Tyler NAF Graduate Student Fellowship: National Ataxia Foundation The functional domains of a1ACT Neurobiology Christopher Gomez
Thornburg, Alexis  American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship Uncoupling the genetics driving obesity Human Genetics Marcelo Nobrega
Tuzlak, Leila NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program T6SS in gut Bacteroidales Microbiology Laurie Comstock
Warioba, Chisondi NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program fMRI and DTI analysis of functional connectivity loss related to cerebral arterial occlusion Medical Physics Timothy Carroll
Washington, Tatjana NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program How climate change affects wildlife’s physiological and behavioral stress responses and environmental justice policy Evolutionary Biology Ran Blekhman
Wheeler Fox, Gabriella NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Role of Inhibitory Interneurons in Motor Learning Computational Neuroscience Jason Maclean 
Wen, Tzu-Chieh Michael American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship Transcriptional dynamics of cell fate restriction Development, Regeneration and Stem Cell Biology Victoria Prince and Andrew Gillis
Wilkinson, Emma NCI Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Award Elucidating the role of mRNA m6A methylation in tumorigenesis Cancer Biology Yu-Ying He
Wright, Nathaniel Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Award The role of BRWD1 to establish epigenetic states for germinal center initiation, maintenance, and exit Interdisciplinary Scientist Training Program - MD/PhD Biophysical Sciences Marcus Clark
Zack,  Hartrich NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Ecomorphology of Carnivoran forelimbs Evolutionary Biology Kenneth Angielczyk
Zelko, Michael Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Award Determining the role of the long non-coding RNA HOTTIP in regulation of the HOXA gene cluster Cell and Molecular Biology Alexander Ruthenburg
Zhang, Ruiling (Renee) Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Award Uncovering DIP-α signaling pathways underlying circuit assembly Development, Regeneration and Stem Cell Biology Robert Carrillo
Ziolkowski, Leah  Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Award Defining novel functions of ATF4 in early stages of pancreatic cancer tumorigenesis Molecular Metabolism and Nutrition Kay Macleod
Zhu, Ou Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Award Neuronal encoding of rapid categorical decisions across primate oculomotor networks Interdisciplinary Scientist Training Program - Computational Neuroscience David Freedman