

Divisional Academic Ceremony 
Friday, June 2, 2023

The Divisional Academic Ceremony for BSD PhD and SM and MPH Candidates, with a welcome from University Marshal Victoria Prince, and a presentation of the graduates from Deans Samuel Volchenboum and David Kovar. The featured speaker is the Bernard and Betty Roizman Professor and Chair of the Department of Microbiology, Dr. Shabaana Khader. 

Divisional Academic Ceremony 
Friday, June 3, 2022

The Divisional Academic Ceremony for BSD PhD graduates with a welcome from Dean Kenneth Polonsky and presentation of the graduates by Dean Vicky Prince. The DAC video with featured speaker, Dr. Sean Carroll, is available for current students and faculty.

2022 Convocation

Divisional Academic Ceremony 
Saturday, June 12, 2021, 11:00 AM
Premiere link

The Divisional Academic Ceremony for BSD PhD graduates, with a welcome from Dean Kenneth Polonsky; Dr. Jennifer Doudna as our featured speaker; remarks by Dr. Richard Fehon, 2021 Faculty Marshal; and presentation of the graduates by Dean Vicky Prince. 

Jennifer Doudna

Wed., June 9: The University of Chicago 534th Convocation, see for information on viewing the ceremony.