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Graduate Recruitment Initiative Team (GRIT)

The Graduate Recruitment Initiative Team (GRIT) focuses on three central components: recruitment, retention, and sustainability.

The Graduate Recruitment Initiative Team (GRIT) began as a grassroots student organization and supports recruitment in the BSD as well as other divisions. GRIT is committed to helping students of all backgrounds attend and flourish at UChicago.  During the pre-admissions stage, GRIT members travel to conferences including those that focus on scientists underrepresented in the biomedical fields to recruit new students. Graduate students build relationships with potential recruits, and connect them with faculty members from different programs. At the institution, GRIT works with faculty to support holistic assessment and host information sessions. During the interview weekend, GRIT hosts panels to talk about the university climate, the culture, and to discuss in an unfiltered setting (no faculty!) what graduate education at UChicago is like.

DJ Speed, Knatokie Ford (PhD), Mat Perez-Neut, Cody Hernandez

Retention focuses on community building and maximizing each graduate student’s potential through shared resources. By being a part of the GRIT community, students build valuable relationships with faculty members, sharpening their leadership qualities. GRIT members also share a sense of community around accomplishing the GRIT goal—enhancing diversity and inclusion of all students in the graduate program. To support graduate students from marginalized backgrounds at UChicago, GRIT aims to provide programming centered around bridging key gaps in the STEM pipeline for students from marginalized backgrounds, including: lack of visible role models, lack of community, and lack of mentorship. GRIT members have a proven track record for success in their respective programs, having achieved prestigious fellowships and travel awards. GRIT members are encouraged to serve as mentors for other members and share their resources and knowledge on awards and fellowships. 


Sustainability focuses on maintaining the viability of this community-driven system of recruitment/retention as GRIT student leaders move into the later years of their PhD thesis work. GRIT achieves sustainability by training incoming graduate students in essential leadership skills and providing resources that will promote the advancement of their careers. The term limit for student leaders is one year. Term limits serve to promote healthy turnover of team leadership, maximize the training of other GRIT members, and ensure the views of incoming graduate students are represented. 

  You can contact the team at or visit them at