MD/PhD Program in Medicine, the Social Sciences and Alzheimer's Disease
and Related Dementias (T32 AG074937)
Program Director: David Meltzer
Administrator: Kelsey Bogue
Phone: 2-4401
Openings: 4 Predoctoral, 0 Postdoctoral
The MD/PhD Program in Medicine, the Social Sciences, and Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (AD/ADRD) at the University of Chicago (UC) and Rush University (RU) will produce MD/PhD graduates trained in medicine, a quantitative social science or related profession (Economics, Sociology, Psychology, Comparative Human Development, Public Health Sciences, Business, Public Policy, and Social Work), and interdisciplinary approaches to AD/ADRD research. AD/ADRD research training areas will include: (1) the epidemiology of AD/ADRD; (2) the content, organization, and financing of care for persons with dementia; (3) behavioral, health system and community interventions aimed at the prevention, early identification, and treatment of AD/ADRD; (4) the care workforce and the role of formal and informal caregivers in health outcomes for persons with AD/ADRD; and (5) methodological issues prominent in AD/ADRD research.
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Training Faculty
- Arora, Vineet: Improving the learning environment for medical trainees and the quality, safety, and experience of care delivered to hospitalized adults
- Black, Dan: Labor economics and applied econometrics
- Chin, Marshall: Improving the care of vulnerable patients with diabetes and other chronic diseases through health care system and community interventions
- Deshpande, Manasi: Empirical public finance and labor economics, with a focus on the effects of social insurance and public assistance programs and their interaction with labor markets
- Gallo, David: Neurocognitive processes of human memory and how healthy aging and Alzheimer’s disease affect these processes
- Gibbons, Robert: Biostatistics, environmental statistics, and psychometrics
- Gottlieb, Joshua: Economics of the health care system, including the organization of insurance markets, physician behavior, administrative costs, and implications for labor economics
- Green, William: Ionotropic neurotransmitter receptors, the receptors responsible for the rapid postsynaptic response in nerve and muscle
- Grogan, Colleen M: Health Policy, health politics, participatory processes, and the American welfare state
- Hawkley, Louise C: Psychological, Physiological, and Health Correlates of individual Differences in Sociality During Aging
- Hedeker, Don: Development and use of advanced statistical methods for clustered and longitudinal data, with particular emphasis on mixed-effects models
- Huang, Elbert: Clinical and health care policy issues at the intersection of diabetes, aging, and health economics
- Huisingh- Scheetz, Megan: Role of activity in the pathophysiology of frailty and aging
- Konetzka, Tamara: Health Economics, Long- Term Care; Effects of Financing and Market Structure on Quality of Care; Medicare and Medicaid Policy; Health Workforce Issues
- Kostas, Tia: Medication management in older adults, including issues related to polypharmacy and highrisk medications
- Lauderdale, Diane S: How behavioral and social factors influence health
- Levine, Stacie: Geriatric medicine and palliative care with a focus on pain management
- Liao, James: Dyslipidemia (high cholesterol), hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia HHT, peripheral vascular disease
- Lindau, Stacy: Technology-based interventions to solve large-scale problems impeding the health of women and especially marginalized populations
Mastrianni, James: Diagnostic evaluation and long-term management of patients with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias
- Meltzer, David: Problems in health economics and public policy with a focus on the theoretical foundations of medical cost-effectiveness analysis and the cost and quality of hospital care
- Meredith, Stephen: Biophysics of protein structure, concentrating on amyloid proteins associated with neurodegenerative diseases
- Mulligan, Casey: Non-pecuniary Incentives to save and work; how economy affects policy
- Peek, Monica: Evidence based analysis to improve care for patients with diabetes and other diseases, while simultaneously reducing disparities
- Pierce, Brandon: How genetic variation influences or alters the effects of environmental exposures and biomarkers on human health and biology
- Pinto, Jayant: Microbial, environmental, genetic and demographic factors that underlie susceptibility to nasal diseases
- Pollack, Harold: Improved services for individuals at the boundaries of the behavioral health and criminal justice systems, disabilities, and efforts to address the opioid
epidemic - Prabhakaran, Shyam: Uncovering the underlying causes of recurrent strokes, improving the delivery of stroke care, and optimizing patient outcomes and recovery
- Raikhel, Eugene: Circulation of new forms of knowledge and clinical intervention produced by biomedicine, neuroscience and psychiatry
- Sanghavi, Prachi: Comparative effectiveness of health care services, quality of care measurement, and population health
- Shapiro, Brad: Empirical industrial organization and applied microeconomics in the pharmaceutical industry, economics of depression
- Sisodia, Sangram: Integrate genetic, neurobiologic, molecular and cellular information to clarify the normal biology of APP and PS and the mechanisms by which mutant genes cause AD
- Thompson, Katherine: Care of older adults with frailty and multimorbidity
- Waite, Linda: Social demography, aging, the family, health, sexuality and social well- being
- Williams, Shellie: Cognitive assessment and behavioral management of individuals living with dementia, palliative care/EOL communication and long-term care of frail and cognitively impaired