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Training Grants

Specialized Training: Demography and Economics of Aging


Program Director: David Meltzer
Administrator: Joshua Santiago
Phone: 2-4401

Openings: 4 Predoctoral, 3 Postdoctoral

The University of Chicago (UC) Specialized Training Program in the Demography and Economics of Aging program began in 1994, and funds 4 predoctoral fellows and 3 postdoctoral fellows per year. Housed in the interdisciplinary Center for Health and the Social Sciences (CHeSS), the NIA T32 Program draws upon the substantial and complementary resources, faculty, and expertise from across social science disciplines and related professional schools on UC’s campus, including the Social Science Division’s Departments of Economics, Sociology, and Comparative Human Development; the Biological Division’s Departments of Medicine and Public Health Sciences; the Harris School of Public Policy; the School of Social Service Administration; and the affiliated National Opinion Research Center (NORC). Our program’s record of trainee productivity and placement is excellent, as is the pool of trainees from which we select, and we endeavor to recruit and retain trainees who are from populations underrepresented in the sciences. The program continues to offer trainees a highly diverse group of peers and mentors; an interdisciplinary Demography Workshop (DW) which brings both internal and external speakers to present aging-related demography research; a program-specific Postmortem Seminar, following the DW, that allows trainees in the program to discuss the presentation with their peers and faculty leaders; formal coursework opportunities in aging; as well as training in the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) and Methods to Enhance Reproducibility in Research. Learn more: 

Training Faculty

  • Abdelhadi, EmanGender, religion, life course, Islam, inequality, and labor market outcomes
  • Arora, Vineet: Quality, safety and experience of care for hospitalized older adults; the sleep patterns and impact of disrupted sleep on hospitalized older adults
  • Black, DanImpact of Education on the Mortality Rates of Older Americans; Labor Economics
  • Chin, MarshallAssessment of Treatment Preferences of Older Persons with Diabetes; Improving the Care and Outcomes of Vulnerable Patients with Chronic Disease; Diabetes Care in Community Health Centers​
  • Davern, Michael: Survey research, health data, data linkage, Census Bureau data used for policy research simulation and evaluation
  • Deshpande, Manasi: Empirical public finance and labor economics, effects of social insurance and public assistance programs, and labor markets
  • Ganong, Peter: Mortgage design modifications to prevent foreclosure and the origins of mortgage default 
  • Garcia, Angela: International migration, law and society, race and ethnicity, urban sociology, social policy, and mixed and comparative methods
  • Gavrilov, Leonid: Biodemography of aging and longevity, mathematical modeling of aging and mortality
  • Gibbons, Robert: Longitudinal data analysis and modeling health outcomes across the lifespan; statistical methods related to issues in drug safety and measurement
  • Gottlieb, Joshua: Applied microeconomics in health economics
  • Greenstone, MichaelEnvironmental and energy economics; public economics; development economics; labor economics; health economic
  • Grogan, Colleen: Health policy, health politics, participatory processes and the American welfare state
  • Hawkley, LouisePsychological, Physiological, and Health Correlates of Individual Differences in Sociality During Aging
  • Hedeker, Donald:  Development of statistical models for longitudinal data analysis
  • Hong, Guanglei: Causal inference theories and methods for evaluating educational and social policies and programs in multi-level, longitudinal settings
  • Huang, ElbertAging, Diabetes, and Health Economics; Clinical Decisions Related to the Care of Older Diabetes Patients​
  • Huisingh-Sheetz, Megan: Inequality and Lifecycle Dynamics of Skill Formation
  • Jones, Damon: Income tax policy, social security, retirement and retirement savings, and the interaction between employer- provided benefits and labor market outcomes
  • Kaestner, Robert: Economic and social determinants of health, health demography, and health, labor and social policy evaluation
  • Kalil, Ariel: The Impact of Economic Conditions and Parents’ Socioeconomic Status Across the Lifespan; Child Development in Low Income Families
  • Konetzka, TamaraHealth Economics, Long-Term Care; Effects of Financing and Market Structure on Quality of Care; Medicare and Medicaid Policy; Health Workforce Issues
  • Koustas, Dmitri: Labor supply and savings decisions over the lifecycle; household finance
  • Lauderdale, DianeSleep Quality and Functional Health Status at Older Ages; Health of Immigrant Populations; Use of Preventive Care Services
  • Lindau, Stacy: Population health promotion; life course health; sexuality in the context of aging, cancer and other conditions
  • Meltzer, DavidImproving the Cost and Quality of Hospital Care; Theoretical Foundations of Medical Cost Effectiveness and Analysis Applied in the Context of Diabetes and Prostate Cancer; Integrated Inpatient and Outpatient Care for High-Risk Medicare Patients
  • O'Donnell, Peter: Pharmacology and pharmacogenomics for older adult patients
  • O’Muircheartaigh, ColmSurvey Sample Design; Measurement Errors in Surveys; Cognitive Aspects of Question Wording; Latent Variable Models for Nonresponse
  • Pierce, Brandon: Interrelated Roles of Genetic, Molecular, and Environmental Factors in Cancer Risk and Prognosis
  • Pinto, JayantAge-Related Olfactory Decline; Chronic  Rhinosinusitis
  • Pollack, Harold: Interface of poverty, policy and public health
  • Prochaska, Micah: Interventions for chronic diseases during hospitalization and their effect after discharge in older adults; Transfusion, anemia and fatigue; Fatigability
  • Sanghavi, Prachi: Life support outcomes, nursing home reporting
  • Saunders, Milda: Socioeconomic and health system barriers for patients with CKD ; Access to high quality care for older patients with CKD
  • Schilt, Kristen​: Sociology of gender and sexualities; sociology of culture; and the sociology of work and occupations
  • Schneider, John: Network epidemiology; infectious disease; HIV prevention
  • Schram, Andrew:  Operational efficiency of care for hospitalized patients; inpatient and outpatient care coordination
  • Tan, Marcia: Biopsychosocial and behavioral factors affecting health disparities in middle-aged and older adults; the intersection of psychosocial predictors and bio-behavioral mechanism in cancer and chronic disease risk; community-based health interventions
  • Trinitapoli, JennyTransitions to adulthood in sub-Saharan Africa, fertility, religion, HIV​
  • Tung, Elizabeth: Disparities in chronic disease management; community- based interventions
  • Waite, Linda: Social demography, aging, the family, health, working families, and the link between biology, psychology, and the social world