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Training Grants

University of Chicago and Northwestern University Predoctoral Health Services Research Program


Program Directors: Tamara Konetzka (Contact PD) and David Meltzer

Administrator: Joshua Santiago
Phone: 2-4401
Fax: 2-4620

Openings: 6 Predoctoral, 0 Postdoctoral

The Health Services Research Training Program incorporates interdisciplinary training through collaborative efforts in Health Economics, Health Studies, Medical Sociology, Organizational Behavior and Health, Psychology, Public Policy in Health, and Social Service Administration. The program will enable predoctoral students and postdoctoral fellows to pursue academic careers, engage in high quality research, and provide leadership in the multidisciplinary field of health services research.

Training Grant Faculty:

  • Adelman, Daniel: Healthcare data analytics, supply chain management, innovation and technologymanagement
  • Adukia, Anjali: Factors that influence health decisions, impact of basic needs on child development
  • Ahsan, HabibulInterdisciplinary research in environmental and molecular epidemiology and prevention of cancer and chronic diseases, especially in the area of arsenicrelated cancer and chronic diseases and related phenotypes as they relate to genetics, environmental factors and their interactions.
  • Arora, VineetImproving quality and safety inteaching hospitals, with specificattention to improving handoff communication and preventing hazards of hospitalization among older inpatients.
  • Baicker, Katherine: The value of care delivered through Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance programs; improving health outcomes through insurance design
  • Baig, Arshiya: Mitigating health disparities in Latino populations, including reducing diabetes
  • Berman, Marc: How environmental factors affect brain health, psychological health and physical health
  • Black, Dan: Labor economics and applied econometrics
  • Bouris, Alida: HIV/AIDS, LGBTQ health
  • Burnet, DeborahCommunity-based research to address childhood obesity and diabetes risk
  • Chin, MarshallTranslational research to improve diabetes care for vulnerable populations and reduce racial/ethnic disparities in care.
  • Deshpande, Manasi: Effects of social insurance and public assistance programs on consumption, health, and well-being, and the interaction between these programs and labor markets

  • Dignam, JamesMulti-center cancer clinical trial research and cancer include racial/ethnic disparities in cancer prognosis and treatment response and the effect of obesity on cancer, and prognostic marker modeling.
  • Friedner,  Michele: Comparative Human Development
  • Gibbons, RobertMixed-effects modeling and causal inference and their applications to psychometrics and psychopathology research.
  • Grogan, ColleenHealth policy, health politics, participatory processes and the American welfare state
  • Grossman, Bob: The application of biomedical informatics, data intensive computing, big data, and data science to the aging population
  • Heckman, JamesThe origins of inequality; economic models of life cycle skill formation; developmental origins of health; the economics of personality and preferences; evaluation of social programs; counterfactual analysis of inequality; microeconometrics; labor economics; alternative models of the distribution of income; public economics; regulation and policy reform; hedonic models and pricing of heterogeneous goods and characteristics; heterogeneity in general equilibrium models.
  • Huang, ElbertComplex clinical decisions related to the care of elderly diabetes patients, where clinical trial data from younger, healthier patients must be translated into the care of older, sicker patients.
  • Kim, Karen: Medicine, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition
  • King, AndreaEtiology and treatment of alcohol and nicotine dependences
  • Konetzka, TamaraHealth economics, aging and longterm care, quality of care, hospital markets, and Medicare and Medicaid policy, focusing on the relationship between economic incentives and quality of care
  • Lauderdale, DianeHealth of immigrant populations and social determinants of health-related behaviors
  • Laumann, Edward: Organizational and economic sociology, human sexuality, political sociology and social stratification.
  • Lindau, Stacey: Biomedical and social science techniques to study life course health, aging, and sexuality
  • Marsh, Jeanne: Behavioral health services research, the integration of health and social services, the effectiveness of substance abuse treatment
  • Meltzer, David: Improving the cost and quality of hospital care; theoretical foundations of medical cost- effectiveness and analysis applied in the context of diabetes and prostate cancer; integrated inpatient and outpatient care for high-risk Medicare patients
  • Norman, Greg: Social neuroscience, psychophysiology, behavioral endocrinology, behavioral genetics
  • Peek, MonicaHealth services research in the area of health disparities 
  • Pho, Mai: HIV and HCV outcomes, comparative effectiveness, cost- effectiveness
  • Pinto, Jayant: Nasal diseases, allergies and olfactory disorders
  • Polite, Blase: Racial and ethnic differences in colon, breast, and lung cancer outcomes
  • Pollack, HaroldPublic health and economic policy analyses
  • Press, Valerie: Health literacy; health disparities; improving patient self-management of chronic disease
  • Raikhel, Eugene: Anthropology of science, biomedicine and psychiatry; addiction and its treatment; suggestion and healing; and post-socialist transformations in Eurasia
  • Ross, Lainie: Ethical and policy issues of genetic testing, living donor organ transplantation, and human subjects protection 
  • Sanghavi, Prachi: Population health, comparative effectiveness of health care services, use of self-reported data in quality measures
  • Saunders, Milda: Geographic variation in access and quality; CKD quality and disparities; access to transplantation
  • Schneider, John: Social network interventions
  • Shapiro, Brad: Empirical industrial organization and applied microeconomics in the pharmaceutical industry
  • Siegler, Mark: Ethical decisions in clinical medicine
  • Volchenboum, Sam: Biomedical Informatics
  • Waite, Linda: Social demography, aging, the family, health, working families, the link between biology, psychology and the social world
  • Wildes, Jennifer: Pathophysiology and treatment of eating disorders