The unifying theme of my lab is the elucidation of molecular mechanisms underlying management chromatin, the physiological form of the genome. In particular, we are interested in how post translational modifications to histones, newly appreciated DNA modifications and noncoding RNA can control chromatin structure. Our research spans several traditional disciplines, ranging from discovery biochemistry and genome-scale measurements to mechanistic characterization with biophysical methods coupled with X-Ray structure to address fundamental questions in chromatin biology. We have pioneered new technologies to make quantitative local measurements of chromatin components. Projects ideally will transition from discovery biology to detailed molecular and structural investigation.

Alexander J. Ruthenburg, PhD
Associate Professor of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology
Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Committee on Genetics, Genomics and Systems Biology - Research and Scholarly Interests: Biochemistry, Chromatin, Chromatin Associated RNA, Chromatin Immunoprecipitation, Epigenetic Process, Epigenetics, Epigenomics, Genomics, Nucleosomes, Regulation of Gene Expression, Transcriptional Activation
- Websites:, Research Network Profile
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- Graduate Programs: Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics, Cell & Molecular Biology, Genetics, Genomics & Systems Biology, UChicago Biosciences, Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics