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Gregory Karczmar, PhD

I have developed new approaches to functional and anatomic magnetic resonance imaging for over 30 years. I’ve applied these methods to improve detection and accurate diagnosis of cancer, and monitor cancer response to therapy. I am the Director of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Research at the University of Chicago, and Co-Director of the Advanced Imaging Program of the University of Chicago Comprehensive Cancer center. I’ve collaborated with our outstanding mammographic group and medical physics colleagues for many years to build internationally recognized research program in quantitative breast cancer MR imaging – which parallels and compliments a leading clinical program in breast cancer diagnosis and management. Similarly, I’ve collaborated with Dr. Oto and others to develop a leading translational research program focused on improving prostate cancer screening with MRI, and using MRI to guide therapye. With these collaborators, I’ve made pioneering contributions to MRI methods that improve prostate and breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. My research includes use of pre-clinical methods for breast and prostate cancer to improve understanding of cancer biology and guide the development of improved clinical methods.