Louis Block Distinguished Service Professor
Dean, Population and Precision Health
Director, Institute for Population and Precision Health
Director, Chicago Center for Health and Environment
Associate Director of Population Research, Comprehensive Cancer Center
I am Dean for Population and Precision Health and Director of the Institute for Population and Precision Health. Trained in medicine, epidemiology, environmental health and genomics, my research expertise encompasses large-scale population-based studies assessing environmental disease risks and their modifying factors including social, biological and other disparity-related factors. My research interests focus on studying the inter-relationships between environmental and genomic factors in cancer and other diseases and exploiting information on these relationships at a population level in developing and evaluating prevention interventions in humans. Specifically, my research integrates the environmental, nutritional and life-style factors with measures of host factors and modern molecular genomics (involving DNA, RNA and protein variations) to understand the etiology, pathogenesis, prognosis and prevention of cancer and other disorders of national and international public health significance. In addition to applied and translational studies, my research directly addresses environmental health disparity and their prevention avenues. Findings from many of my environmental health studies have had EHS policy implications nationally and internationally. Currently, I lead the only NIEHS-funded Environmental Health Core Center in Chicago. I am leading a large team of scientists to establish a prospective multiethnic cohort in Chicago involving extensive environmental data and a biobank to address health disparity related research questions. As part of these responsibilities, I have built multidisciplinary multi-institutional teams, promoted collaborations, mentored junior and mid-level faculties, and managed large staff and budgets. I serve on numerous national and international panels including a current 4-year term on the NIEHS Advisory Board and a 3-year term on an NAS panel evaluating EPA policy on arsenic.

Habibul Ahsan, MBBS
Louis Block Distinguished Service Professor of Public Health Sciences
Professor of Family Medicine
Professor of Human Genetics
Associate Dean of Clinical Science Research, Population and Precision Health - Research and Scholarly Interests: Disease Prevention, Early Diagnosis of Cancer, Global Health, Precision Medicine, Risk Assessment
- Websites: ChicAgo Center for Health and EnvironmenT (CACHET), Chicago Multiethnic Population and Surveillance Study (COMPASS), Illinois Precision Medicine Consortium – All of Us Research Program, Institute for Population and Precision Health, UChicago Research Bangladesh, Research Network Profile
- Contact: habib@uchicago.edu
- Graduate Programs: Human Genetics, Public Health Sciences, UChicago Biosciences