The Fehon laboratory studies the organization and function of signaling pathway components at the cell cortex, particularly relating to the Hippo growth control pathway. In addition to their known role in organizing receptors and downstream effectors into functional signaling complexes, such organized complexes function to integrate signaling activities from multiple pathways and to segregate simultaneous but distinct functions of a single pathway. We study this question in Drosophila because of the utility of this system for studying the functions of individual genes, and for examining the functional interactions between different genes that work together in a particular cellular or developmental process.

Richard G. Fehon, PhD
Professor of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology
Committee on Genetics, Genomics and Systems Biology - Research and Scholarly Interests: Cell signaling, Development, Epithelial polarity, Genetics, Hippo pathway, Microscopy
- Websites: Fehon Lab, Research Network Profile
- Contact:
- Graduate Programs: Cell & Molecular Biology, Genetics, Genomics & Systems Biology, UChicago Biosciences, Committee on Development, Regeneration, and Stem Cell Biology