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Cell biologist and DEI advocate Derek Applewhite chosen to deliver Just Lecture May 19th

Derek Applewhite

Derek Applewhite, PhD has been selected as the 10th annual E. E. Just Lecturer and will speak on Friday, May 19th at 3pm in BSLC 109, with a reception to follow in the BSLC lobby. Dr. Applewhite is an Associate Professor in the Bioolgy Department at Reed College. He studies cytoskeleton regulation with the aim to understand cell motility in the context of a developing organism, asking questions such as "How does actin-microtubule cross-linkers function in regulating the cytoskeletong?" and "How is actomyosin contractility regulated during interphase?"  To answer these questions, Derek and his team of undergraduate researchers take advantage of sophisticated cell biological and powerful genetic approaches available in the developing Drosophila embryo and Drosophila derived culture cells.

Dr. Applewhite is a prolific teacher and mentor, training dozens of successful scientists using a philosophy centered in inclusion and equity. He is an outspoken champion of LGBTQ+ inclusion, and created and lead the American Society for Cell Biology's (ASCB) LGBTQ+ committee. Leadership goes hand in hand with research for Dr. Applewhite and his efforts to balance the playing field in STEM serves as an example to scientists across the nation.

Register to attend in-person or virtually. Tenth Annual E. E. Just Lecture, Friday, May 19th 3pm in BSLC 109. Reception in BSLC Lobby to follow.