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Training Grants

GDDTP Training Faculty

  • Schwartz, Nancy: Role of glycoconjugates in the developing limb and brain
  • Alegre, Maria-Luisa: Mechanisms of TCell inhibition and induction of tolerance for type 1 diabetes therapies
  • Awad, Issam:  Molecular mechanisms, biomarkers and therapeutic targets in cavernous angiomas (cerebral vascular malformations) and the pathobiology of brain hemorrhage
  • Clark, Marcus: B Cell Development and Activation
  • Cunningham, John: Biology and therapy of hemoglobinopathies, the molecular mechanisms underpinning hematopoiesis and the development of the leukemia stem cell
  • de Jong, Jill: Hematopoietic stem cells and understanding the genes that can cause leukemia
  • Gajewski, Thomas: Molecular and cellular regulation of T lymphocyte activation and differentiation
  • Gomez, Christopher: Mechanism of neurological disease, with a focus on genetic mutations
  • Greene, Geoffrey: Regulation of development, differentiation and/or cellular proliferation, and survival by female steroid hormones
  • He, Chuan: Chemical biology, nucleic acid chemistry and biology, epigenetics, and bioinorganic chemistry
  • Kraig, Richard: Physical, mental and social activities that lessen impact of neurological development and disease
  • LaBelle, James: Cell death regulatory mechanisms in resistant hematopoietic disorders
  • McNerney, Megan: Hematopoietic stem cell regulation
  • Meredith, Stephen: Mechanism of protein aggregation, and structure of amyloid fibrils
  • Mirmira, Raghu: Pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus and the biology of the islet cell
  • Moskowitz, Ivan: Molecular pathways that dictate cardiac morphogenesis and cis morphogenesis during development
  • Ober, Carole: Identify genes that influence complex phenotypes, their evolutionary history, how variation influences function
  • Philipson, Louis: Relationship and dysfunction of ion channels, intracellular Ca2+, insulin secretion in pancreatic ß-cells and diabetes mellitus
  • Romero, Iris: Identifying novel interventions for ovarian cancer prevention and treatment
  • Ruthenburg, Alexander: Elucidation of molecular mechanisms underlying management chromatin, the physiological form of the genome
  • Stephens, Matthew: Statistical and population geneticist
  • Tay, Savas: Molecular pathway dynamics in cellular information processing, pathogen sensing and recognition, and signaling
  • Van Drogelen, Wim: Understanding mechanisms underlying Epilepsy
  • Volchenboum, Samuel L.: Using bioinformatics to study complex diseases, especially pediatric blood disorders