Program Directors: Edwin Munro, Demet Arac-Ozkan, Ben Glick, Phoebe Rice
Administrator: Nick Rogers
Phone: 4-8344
Openings: 16 Predoctoral, 0 Postdoctoral
The Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB) training program at the University of Chicago prepares graduate students for independent academic and/or research careers in the biomedical sciences. The program trains students to analyze biological processes using the conceptual and experimental tools of biochemistry and structural, molecular, and cellular biology, emphasizing rigorous, quantitative and interdisciplinary approaches. The MCB program has strong research foci in areas spanning modern molecular and cellular biology including: macromolecular structure, protein and RNA folding and function, protein engineering and design, membrane structure and function, molecular dynamics and biophysical modeling, protein trafficking, organelle biogenesis, cell signaling, cell polarity and cell division, cell-cell interactions, control of gene expression and cell fate determination, chromosome structure, recombination, molecular aspects of oncogenesis, viral and bacterial pathogenesis, and immune cell development and function. MCB trainees take core courses in Molecular Biology, Cellular Biology and Quantitative Biology, All trainees, both currently and previously funded, present in and attend a monthly "Research in Progress" seminar series and an annual MCB symposium.