Training Grants

Training Faculty

Neurobiology of Addictive Behaviors Faculty Mentors

  • Hedeker, Donald R: Statistical methods for substance abuse data
  • Zhuang, Xiaoxi: Dopamine signaling and basal ganglia function in motivated behaviors
  • Chen, Chin-Tu: in vivo brain PET imaging using radioactive ligands such as nicotinic receptor agonists
  • de Wit, Harriet: Human psychopharmacology of substance abuse
  • Gallo, David A: Cognitive neuroscience; human memory
  • Garcia, Alfredo: Respiratory system and opioid overdose
  • Green, William: Neurotransmitter receptor assembly and expression​
  • King, Andrea: Efficacy of Behavioral and pharmacological treatments for nicotine, alcohol, and other addictive disorders​
  • Margoliash, Daniel: Birdsong and reward signals in higher-order structures driving behavior
  • McGehee, Daniel: Functional role of neuronal nicotinic receptors in reward and pain transmission
  • Pollack, Harold: Drug abuse policy; harm reduction interventions
  • Schneider, John: Network epidemiology; substance abuse disorder among vulnerable populations
  • Sheffield, Mark: Memory systems, disease, addiction and trauma
  • Xu, Ming: Dopamine signaling and drug addiction