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Training Grants

IMEPOST Training Faculty

IMEPOST Training Faculty: 

Adams, Erin J - Unconventional T cell recognition of self/non-self, biophysics & protein engineering

Alegre, Maria Luisa - T cell tolerance in transplantation, autoimmunity, cancer

Barreiro, Luis B - Functional genomics of the immune response & evolutionary genomics

Chang, Eugene B - Gut microbiome, host-microbe interactions, and disease mechanisms of the gut in states of health and disease

Chen, Huanhuan - Ex vivo/in vitro cancer models, chemokine signaling axes in oncogenesis

Chevrier, Nicolas - Systems Immunol, immune cell signal transduction, single cell analysis

Chong, Anita S - T/B cell memory & sensitization, transplant rejection & tolerance

Esser-Kahn, Aaron P - Synthetic TLR agonists, vaccines, infectious diseases

Esterhazy, Daria - Maintenance of immune homeostasis in the digestive system

Ferguson, Andrew L - Computational vaccine design 

Gajewski, Thomas F - Immunotherapy in melanoma

Gardel, Margaret L - Imaging cytoskeletal phenomena during immune cell activation and migration

Golovkina, Tatyana - Retrovirus-host interactions

Huang, Jun - Systems immunol, single cell imaging & analysis

Hubbell, Jeffrey A - Nanomaterials and protein engineering for immunotherapy

Jabri, Bana - Celiac & inflamm. bowel disease, microbiome

Kee, Barbara - Transcriptional regulatory networks that impact innate/adaptive lymphoid development

Mendoza, Juan L  - Biophysics of interferon signaling & engineering of IFN superagonists

Mimee, Mark - Microbiome & host- pathogen responses

Missiakas, Dominique - Molecular pathology of bacterial infectious diseases

Nagler, Cathryn R - Tolerance to dietary antigens, Gut microbiome

Olopade, Olufunmilayo - Personalized management of aggressive breast cancers

Pamer, Eric - Interactions between pathogenic and beneficial microbes and the host immune system

Randall, Glenn - Interactions between host and RNA viruses in replication and pathogenesis

Ranganathan, Rama -

Riesenfeld, Samantha J - ILC intracellular signal transduction, type-2 responses, single cell transcriptomics

Savage, Peter A - Cancer immunology and regulatory T cell biology

Squires, Allison - Single molecule imaging to quantify protein-protein interaction dynamics

Swartz, Melody A - Lymphatic immunobiology, Tumor mechanobiology/ microenvironment, immununotherapy, vaccine development

Tay, Savaş - Immune cell signal transduction, microfluidics, optofluidics

Tirrell, Matthew V - Materials engineering for drug and vaccine delivery

Weichselbaum, Ralph R - Immunogenic cell death following radiotherapy, immuno-oncology

Weinstein, Joshua A - DNA microscopy to increase content and dimensionality of histological images