Resources and Support

Health and Safety

Student Health and Counseling Services

Student Health and Counseling Services addresses the health and wellness needs of University of Chicago students. In addition to group and individual counseling, SHCS offers Let's Talk, a free, confidential counseling service that does not require an appointment.

Peer Health Liaison Program

The Peer Health Liaison program seeks to bridge a gap between BSD students and Student Health and Counseling Services. Liaisons are current BSD students who undergo a training session with SHCH senior leadership to become well-versed in the services and resources available to students. They communicate with their students via a monthly email digest with up-to-date information on SHCH services. They additionally meet monthly with leadership to discuss items brought to their attention by their peers. Visit the page for contact information.

Health Promotion and Wellness

Health Promotion and Wellness are committed to providing programs, services and resources that create a campus culture in which individuals can make informed and proactive decisions about their personal and community health.

Student Disability Services

Student Disability Services works to provide resources, support and accommodations for all students with disabilities and works to remove physical and attitudinal barriers, which may prevent their full participation in the University community.

Student Support Services

Student Support Services utilizes a holistic approach to create an environment in which undocumented, low-income and/or first-generation, students can thrive and succeed on campus. We provide services that strengthen self-efficacy, resilience, and a sense of belonging.

Center for Identity and Inclusion

The Center for Identity + Inclusion creates intentionally diverse and inclusive communities, serving as a bridge builder by engaging students and members of the University community of all backgrounds to ensure personal, academic, and professional growth and success.

Bias Education and Support Team (BEST)

BEST is comprised of staff members from offices across the University, including Spiritual Life, the Office of Multicultural Affairs, and Housing & Residence Life. BEST members receive extensive training on campus cultures, responding to bias and microaggressions, restorative and transformative justice practices, and conflict resolution. Members of BEST also assist the Dean of Students in the University in documenting and reporting incidents that occur on campus. Bias incidents that can be addressed by BEST include any actions that are motivated by bias, even if they do not include the elements required to prove a hate crime or a violation of University policy.


Provides individuals with information and resources about gender-based misconduct, and the University of Chicago resolution process.

Safety & Security

Information and ideas on how to stay safe, plus information on the campus police and registering your personal property to protect yourself from theft.

Financial Management and Wellness