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DBTP Program Outcomes

DBTP Program Outcomes

The DBTP leadership believes that training outcomes, in the form of publications and post-training positions, as well as time to degree, are key metrics in tracking success. Of the 32 total papers published by our eleven graduates, many are in high impact journals including three in Nature (Caroline Albertin and Ariel Pani are first authors), six in PNAS, four in Developmental Cell, three in PLoS Genetics and one in Current Biology. There are also multiple papers in Development and Developmental Biology, the top field-specific journals.

The graduates’ post-training positions are equally impressive. Shortly after graduation, Caroline Albertin was appointed to a Hibbitt Fellowship, an independent investigator position at the MBL, and another five alumni are in postdoctoral training positions at top ranked institutions - Harvard, Fred Hutchinson, Duke, UNC, and the Max Plank Institute - where they are competing effectively for prestigious fellowships such as NRSAs, ACS, AHA, and the Helen Hay Whitney. The remaining alumni are using their science training in academic or industry research, or in important research-related roles.

The average time to degree for the eleven students who have now graduated from the program is 6.2 years.